Time Management Essentials


The amount of time available to you is constant – you can’t buy more, and you can’t save it for later. What you can do is increase your productivity – the value you produce in the time you have.

But when you’re faced with a seemingly never-ending to-do-list, how do you get through it all without working more and more hours?

This course helps you to get organized, avoid procrastination and manage tasks in a way that maximizes your productivity. You’ll gain the skills to achieve your targets and become more efficient.

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand how to organize and maintain their physical and digital workspace.
  • Overcome procrastination.
  • Recognize how to set priorities and keep focused.
  • Identify ways to say “no” and avoid overcommitment.
  • Create effective to-do-lists.
  • Understand how to better plan and manage their time.

Who Should Enrol?

  • All levels of employees, and any individual wishing to improve their productivity in the workplace.
  • Anyone who wants to grow their professional skillset and boost their career prospects.

Course Content

The Time Management Essentials course covers the following topics:

Organize Your Physical and Digital Workspace

  • Organizing and maintaining a productive workspace.

Avoid Procrastination by Getting Organized Instead

  • Avoiding procrastination and combatting time wasters.
  • Determining priorities and learning to say no.

Maximize Your Productivity by Managing Time and Tasks

  • Assessing the time and value of your tasks.
  • Chunking and scheduling your time.
  • Making effective use of to-do-lists.

Course info

  • Duration: 1 Hour
  • Language: English
  • Level: Short Course
0 out of 5

$150.00 USD
