Airport Rescue and Firefighting Services

The ACI Online Learning Centre (OLC) has just released our new course ‘Certificate in Airport Rescue and Firefighting Services’.

The course provides recommendations that can be implemented to:

  • Ensure compliance with international and national legislation and regulations
  • Promote more efficient management of airport rescue and firefighting service (RFFS)
  • Improve airport RFFS performance

Who should enrol:

  • Airport RFFS Managers and team members
  • Airport RFFS personnel wishing to enhance their career opportunities and advance to leadership and management positions
  • Aerodrome Operator management and staff wishing to better understand best practices for efficient management of an airport RFFS
  • Representatives from local emergency agencies – i.e., local Fire Department Officials
  • Personnel responsible for training and overseeing ARFF personnel
  • Anyone interested in a career in airport firefighting, operations, and/or safety

Our Certificate in Airport Rescue and Firefighting Services course is spread over six modules covering the following topics:

Module 1. Introduction to Airport Rescue and Firefighting Services

(RFFS)Airport RFFS regulatory requirements
Achieving compliance and improving airport RFFS performance

Module 2. Airport RFFS Personnel

The importance of personnel efficiency for airport RFFS performance
Techniques for defining minimum required staffing levels and optimal organisational structures
Best practices for medical and fitness assessments

Module 3. Airport RFFS Equipment

Identifying airport RFFS equipment requirements
Ensuring the effectiveness and reliability of airport RFFS equipment, including:
Rescue equipment
Extinguishing agents

Module 4. Airport RFFS Facilities / Communications and Alerting Systems
Guidelines and best practices for:

Fire station location and design
Storage of airport RRFS items and equipment
Airport RFFS communications and alerting systems
Airport RFFS facility maintenance

Module 5. Airport RFFS Emergency Response and Training

Ensuring a safe and effective airport RFFS response in emergency situations
Recommendations for standard operating procedures and guidelines
Key considerations for airport RFFS emergency simulation exercises
Best practices for airport RFFS training programs

Module 6. Airport RFFS Administration

Recommendations for effective management of an RFFS department, including:

Quality assurance
Personnel management
Risk assessments and critical plans/programs

Price: US$695.00
Duration: 12 Hours

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